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What is transhumanism and why is it a terrible idea?
· Technocracy

What is transhumanism and why is it a terrible idea?

Laura Aboli unpacks the technocratic agenda to destroy normality and reduce humans to an enslaved, zombified, homogeneous collective.

Laura Aboli started her career in 2000 by co-founding World-Check, a risk identification database, and later Wealth-X in 2010, focusing on ultra-wealthy individuals. She founded the United Democratic International Movement for Awareness and Freedom (UDIMAF) in May 2020, aiming to address the impacts of the fake pandemic.

To be clear, there was no pandemic. The whole thing was a fear campaign and, more specifically, as Sasha Latypova explained, a military operation.

Sasha Latypova says COVID was a military operation, not a viral pandemic
What happened in 2020 had nothing to do with a virus.

End game

Laura’s presentation went viral and, as such, caught my attention.
