My name is Jerm and this is Jerm Warfare, the battle of ideas.
We're in an information war. Join me in the trenches as we fight the good fight, one dangerous idea at a time.
Dangerous ideas
The red pill is accepting that the world is heading towards a technocratic state where globalists centrally govern all countries through a multifaceted digital control grid.
The black pill is being defeatist, giving up and becoming a nihilistic, basement-dwelling loser.
The white pill is seeing the world as it really is and doing something with the information you have. It's about winning.
Winning the information war requires dangerous ideas.
What is Christian nationalism?
Stephen Wolfe argues that Christians sharing the same location and culture should preserve and build their community.
View9/11 revisionism and why evidence matters
We all remember what we were doing that day but do we all remember what we actually saw?
ViewChris Dunn says the Great Pyramid of Giza was a power plant, not a tomb
What if advanced technology existed in prehistory and that everything we think we know about the pyramids is wrong?
ViewOperation Gladio is the largest covert operation in history
It involves the CIA, the Mafia and the Vatican, and it's about controlling the world through military actions, coups, destabilisation and unrest.
ViewHrvoje Morić on technocracy and humanity’s impending enslavement
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train coming towards us and we need to prepare for the disaster that is digital enslavement.
ViewGabriel Custodiet on privacy, decentralisation, and watching the watchmen
Pushing back against mass surveillance means decentralising everything and watching the watchmen. Do you want the authorities to know everything about you?
ViewKent Hovind on creationsim, evolution and dinosaurs
Imagine if Earth were around 6,000 years old, that evolutionary theory is nonsense, and that dinosaurs existed alongside humans.
ViewJohn Joseph is one of the few punk rockers who didn’t bow to COVID tyranny
What happened to the rock music industry? What happened to the rebellious attitude? Why did they become American idiots who raged for the machine?
ViewMichael Bryant on the Spanish flu myth
Everything you were taught about this supposedly deadly virus from the early 20th century is nonsense. A lot of people did die, but not from a pathogen.
ViewJudy Jasek is a veterinarian who no longer vaccinates pets
Big Pharma harms not only humans but also animals. Our pets are over-medicalised and not healthier for it. Why are pets vaccinated?
ViewSteven Young on alchemy, scientism and the nature of reality
Science has become a cult with blindly loyal followers who trust the experts and question nothing. The spirit of science has become heretical.
ViewJane Ruby dismantles the COVID scam and vaccine fraud
It was all about population control, fear and compliance. Many have died because of the jab and many more will die.
Anthony Fauci
Do not listen to anything Jerm says. He spreads disinformation and encourages people to kill Granny. By criticising me, he’s criticising science. Remember, science is truth. Trust the experts. Jerm must get vaccinated—which is 100% safe and effective—and wear 20 masks for protection.
Klaus Schwab
Zis Jerm Warfare guy iz dangerous, ja! He vants to own zings und he vants to be happy, vhich I find unacceptaple becauze I vant to own everyzing of hiz. More vorrying, he refuzez to eat ze bugz und believez zat a healthy diet vithout pharmaceutical intervention iz a good idea.
Donald Trump
Folks, I like Jerm. He’s a great guy, believe me. He makes cartoonsand podcasts great again. Tremendous talent! If it weren’t for me, Jerm wouldn’t even know what humour is. Folks, let’s make sure Jerm isn't fired. Don’t trust China. Trust me and remember that I created the beautiful vaccine!