My name is Jerm and this is Jerm Warfare, the battle of ideas.
We're in an information war. Join me in the trenches as we fight the good fight, one dangerous idea at a time.

Dangerous ideas
The red pill is accepting that the world is heading towards a technocratic state where globalists centrally govern all countries through a multifaceted digital control grid.
The black pill is being defeatist, giving up and becoming a nihilistic, basement-dwelling loser.
The white pill is seeing the world as it really is and doing something with the information you have. It's about winning.
Winning the information war requires dangerous ideas.

Agenda 21 and the Luciferian plan to destroy creation
Dean Henderson has authored several fictional books about the sinister agendas of elite bloodlines. However, are his books truly fictional?
Why did Israel attack the USS Liberty in 1967?
Phil Tourney was aboard the ship when the IDF tried to sink it, and he says it was not mistaken identity; it was deliberate.
What was Trump's role in the COVID era?
Was he hoodwinked by central intelligence or did he know what was going on? Why did he sign Operation Warp Speed and promote the jab?
What is stakeholder capitalism and why is it dangerous?
Also known as technocracy, it is dangerous because it merges the private and public sectors into an unstoppable, globalist machine.
Kurt Cobain did not commit suicide
What if it turns out that Nirvana's frontman was murdered and his wife, Courtney Love, was involved?
David Duke is one of the most censored people in the world
He was a Grand Wizard in the Ku Klux Klan and now speaks out against the implosion of Western culture.
Who is behind the transgender agenda?
What is the end goal of creating confusion between the sexes and why are people buying into it?
What if Christianity is not meant for the whole world?
William Finck argues that a proper study of the Bible clearly shows that Jesus didn't come to Earth for everybody.
Geophilia is architecture that uses ancient wisdom
It's a holistic approach to design, blending pre-modern symbols, forms and geometry to create beautifully calming living environments.
COVID-19 was a technocratic, psychological operation
David A Hughes says that it was all designed to accelerate humanity towards increased centralised governance.
The politics and bad biology of the COVID-19 'pandemic'
JJ Couey is a biologist who explains why intramuscular vaccination is ineffective and why RNA cannot cause a pandemic.
El Salvador is a great example of Bitcoin adoption
Decentralising everything and resisting centralised control are good for sovereignty and freedom, says Jack Kruse.

Elon Musk
I think... I think... um... Jerm is a good guy, a great guy, a smart... um... guy. He likes pushing the boundaries of... um... free speech. Speaking of free speech, I recommend X. We're the news now. Um... humanity needs to...humanity needs to populate Mars and I want Jerm to go to Mars. We're... um... dark MAGA, not dark matter.

Klaus Schwab
Zis Jerm Warfare guy iz dangerous, ja! He vants to own zings und he vants to be happy, vhich I find unacceptaple becauze I vant to own everyzing of hiz. More vorrying, he refuzez to eat ze bugz und believez zat a healthy diet vithout pharmaceutical intervention iz a good idea.

Donald Trump
Folks, I like Jerm. He’s a great guy, believe me. He makes cartoonsand podcasts great again. Tremendous talent! If it weren’t for me, Jerm wouldn’t even know what humour is. Folks, let’s make sure Jerm isn't fired. Don’t trust China. Trust me and remember that I created the beautiful vaccine!