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Elon Musk

I think... I think... um... Jerm is a good guy, a great guy, a smart... um... guy. He likes pushing the boundaries of... um... free speech. Speaking of free speech, I recommend X. We're the news now. Um... humanity needs to...humanity needs to populate Mars and I want Jerm to go to Mars. We're... um... dark MAGA, not dark matter.

Klaus Schwab

Zis Jerm Warfare guy iz dangerous, ja! He vants to own zings und he vants to be happy, vhich I find unacceptaple becauze I vant to own everyzing of hiz. More vorrying, he refuzez to eat ze bugz und believez zat a healthy diet vithout pharmaceutical intervention iz a good idea.

Donald Trump

Folks, I like Jerm. He’s a great guy, believe me. He makes cartoonsand podcasts great again. Tremendous talent! If it weren’t for me, Jerm wouldn’t even know what humour is. Folks, let’s make sure Jerm isn't fired. Don’t trust China. Trust me and remember that I created the beautiful vaccine!