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Mads Palsvig on the Talmudic World Order
· Culture wars

Mads Palsvig on the Talmudic World Order

What is the Talmud and why is it so influential and destructive in world affairs?

Mads Palsvig is a former investment banker at Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse and Barclays and is the chairman of the Prosperity Party in Denmark. He now speaks out against various issues including central banking and what he refers to as the Talmudic World Order.

What is the Talmud?

I am neither Jewish nor an expert on this, so my understanding is limited. Email me with any corrections.

The Talmud, a foundational text of Judaism, contains teachings, debates and commentaries of rabbinic scholars over several centuries. It is a record of discussions on Jewish law, ethics, customs and history, forming the basis for Jewish observance and daily life. 
