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What is Christian nationalism?
· Religion

What is Christian nationalism?

Stephen Wolfe argues that Christians sharing the same location and culture should preserve and build their community.

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Stephen Wolfe is the author of The Case For Christian Nationalism, which is a fascinating read, even if you aren't a Christian.

He says that Christian nationalism is misunderstood and wrongly labelled as racist and bigoted by evangelical elites and woke media, adding that Christian nationalism is not only biblical but essential for countering secularism and strengthening communities.

The Case for Christian Nationalism

I like the idea but think that the book could be a bit more aggressive and unapologetic. There's a globalist war against Christianity, and Christians need to be offensive, not just defensive.

Buy it on Amazon

Stephen makes the point that, since WWII, the US has attempted to become a global empire—an antithesis to Christian nationalism—which has inadvertently weakened, not only Christianity, but America and what it once stood for.

He also mentions that if church and state aren't united, Christians should come together by building a parallel economy. That said, however, Christian nationalism is not only the necessary alternative to secularism, but the form of government a Christian society must pursue.
